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Why is my website not getting hits?

How to improve your online profile and boost web traffic

As part of our full-circle approach to communications we offer help and guidance for people looking to boost hits to their website. This includes advice with regards to content, SEO and visuals.

A commonly asked question is, ‘why is my web traffic so low?’ The answer is usually multifaceted, but the simple (and slightly annoying) truth is that it takes time and effort to make a website successful. But don’t be disillusioned – there are some easy to follow guidelines that can get you on track.

At CCF Media we’ve been helping clients for nearly ten years build both visible and profitable online profiles. Yes a jazzy website that looks the business is a great start, but if you’re not using your website correctly it’s not going to yield much joy long-term.

In this week’s blog, one our online-based creatives is going to talk you through 5 of best way to grow your website, increase traffic and build a loyal online following. If you feel you need some specific help or wish to book a meeting to discuss your needs please email

Be clear on your brand

First up, when creating or redesigning your website be clear on what your brand is. WHO is the website for? What imagine do you want to project? If you’re a doctor it’s understandable you’d like it to read professionally and look clinical, but remember your target audience (the people ultimately paying you) want to feel comfortable with you. Visual and verbal communication is important – if you want patients to pick you over your competitors you need to help them feel both confident in your abilities but also in you as a human being.

Invest in SEO

So you’ve got your website branding right, you have the best services available and you’re looking to get more patients through the door – so why isn’t anyone coming to your website? The fact is, most websites need an SEO plug in if you want to see an increase in traffic. SEO helps search engines prioritise content for people looking for specific things. Think of the internet like a supermarket – all the products are there but if they have no labels why would anyone pick up one tin compared to another. Google needs to see your value, and that’s why SEO is vital if you want your website to rank in search and been seen by potential customers. If you need help with SEO we can help – contact us for more information.

Content is king

Websites get traffic because of the pages and blogs that are attached to them. Regular content update (usually by way of a blog that’s updated frequently) is a good start. More pages being added regularly makes Google sit up and listen – it sees you’ve invested in your site and you want to keep it up to date. The content also needs to be engaging and helpful if you want to turn web hits into patient bookings. Content creation is time consuming but ultimately it’s necessary. We create quality content for our clients, which combined with SEO helps to gradually boost web hits. Ask us about content writing.

Make your website user-friendly

Is the problem that people aren’t staying on your site or using it effectively to book consultations? Ask yourself – am I displaying my services and treatments coherently? Make sure your navigation bar is user-friendly re treatments and contact information. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been on a website and not been able to find what I’m looking for. It’s frustrating and it’s lazy on the part of you as a business owner. Make sure things like contact information (or at least internal links to) is available on every page.

Keep your website up to date

This may seem obvious, but websites need updating – whether that be treatments, contact info or in terms of design. A website that looked great in 2009 wont look so hot in 2019 without some tweaks now and again. Maybe your traffic is slipping because you’re not coming across as a desirable offering anymore. You get a hair cut once in a while – don’t forget to give your site some TLC too.

So how does this help YOU?

It’s not rocket science, but these things take time and energy – why not let someone else do the leg-work for you? Our team of online experts look at every project differently and assess how best to go about building your website and ultimately boosting your brand.

If you want to get noticed online and drive enquiries please contact the team

Why is my website not getting hits?

40 thoughts on “Why is my website not getting hits?

  1. I may need your help. I tried many ways but couldn’t solve it, but after reading your article, I think you have a way to help me. I’m looking forward for your reply. Thanks.

  2. I may need your help. I tried many ways but couldn’t solve it, but after reading your article, I think you have a way to help me. I’m looking forward for your reply. Thanks.

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